Maybe they meant to say usernames will be treated more globally, as in keeping the color code in mind and not automatically correcting it from something like c0000FF00Orc to Orc before processing it, and that file paths are treated more globally in the Editor.Maybe when you grab Usernames for triggers it's also treated more 'globally' as well. It might have just been worded improperly. If you have say, c0000FF00Orc as a name now, you can do all the things you can normally do with an account name with that now.Still not sure how this would apply to World Editor, though. (Though pretty time-consuming as they have to update every single bot individually and there's 100s)EDIT: My first guess was that names that use text stylings, such as n or c or whatever are treated properly like other names now, meaning you could add and message them and receive information like stats or what game or channel they're in properly, and it appears that is correct. The patch didn't break them anymore than any other patch would and it's a really simple and easy fix. Run Lancraft, Battle.Click to expand.The patch 'Crashes' things like MakeMeHost and ENTGaming because the bots have to update their hash files.Dota-Allstars 6.61c Official Map Released - Download.Dota-Allstars v6.61b AI+ 1.53 Pre Alpha 4 Map Down.Dota-Allstars 6.62 Beta 9 Map - Download.vJass Highlight Extension for Gedit Gnome Linux.Dota-Allstars 6.62 Official Map Released!.Warcraft The Frozen Throne Patch 1.24b is Released!.Battle.Lan and Windows Vista/7 - How To.WC3 Proxy works from Warcraft 3 Patch 1.21 to 1.26+ The game information will disappear when the game is started. To try to run Wc3proxy on Linux go here.To learn how to unblock port 6112 in Win 7/Vista go here.To learn how to unblock port 6112 in Win XP go here.The host's game should appear in the game list. Players then launch Warcraft 3 and choose the "Local Area Network" option. Tick the box for Frozen Throne if applicable. Port 6112 must be accessible to the other players.Įveryone else runs WC3Proxy and enters the host's IP address in the "Server information" dialog. Does not require fiddling with port numbers.

Proxied games show as "Proxy Game" instead of "Local Game" in Warcraft 3.Much easier to setup/use than pvpgn etc.Has a system tray icon that shows popups when games are found.Can act as a proxy for multiple clients on a LAN.Displays game details (Name, map, players etc).